PitchBlack Recovery Project for Xiaomi Mi Note 10 Lite
PitchBlack Recovery Project is an open-source organization founded on 28th March 2018 by developers from different countries to provide the world’s most advanced recovery with better customization, themes, and features.
* TeamWin - for TWRP
* The PBRP Team - for your hard work
* All our testers - for your patience and help
Advanced Toolbox
PBRP provides 10+ tools that come in handy when playing with your device. This includes Magisk Manager, etc
Material Designed UI
Best-in-class material design for the latest Android addicts.
Suits your Android device
Supports a wide range of devices with Treble, ARB Support, Force Encryption, and much more.
Based on TWRP 3.7.0
Always up-to-date with the latest TWRP 3.7.0 Sources with support for legacy devices.
[Coming Soon] Themes Support
Customize PBRP according to your needs using PBRP Theme Engine™
Multi-Lingual Support
PBRP provides official support for 10+ languages that are updated and improved regularly!

* Touch Screen every single time
* Decryption works on Android 14 AOSP Roms
* OTG support
* ROM Flashing works 100%
* F2FS + Compression Support
* Fastboot commands supported
* Fastbootd
* ADB Sideload
DevUploads: PBRP-toco-4.0 (ONLY FOR ANDROID 14 AOSP ROMS)
1. Download the PBRP zip to your device
2. Reboot into your existing custom TWRP-based recovery
3. Install the PBRP zip as a normal zip installer
4. The device will automatically reboot into PBRP recovery after installation (allow this to happen)
5. Enjoy!
AndroidHQ254 (Dennis Murimi)
Source Code: https://github.com/PitchBlackRecoveryProject
Prebuilt Kernel: https://github.com/AndroidHQ254/toco_twrp/blob/fox/prebuilt/Image.gz
Version Information
Status: Stable
Current Stable Version: v4.0
Stable Release Date: 2022-12-03
Created 2022-12-03
Last Updated 2022-12-03