PitchBlack Recovery Project for Xiaomi Mi Note 10 Lite
PitchBlack Recovery Project is Open Source organization founded on 28th March 2018 collectively by developers from different countries with an aim to provide the world’s most advanced recovery with better customization, themes, and features.
* TeamWin - for TWRP
* The PBRP Team - for your hard work
* All our testers - for your patience and help
Advanced Toolbox
PBRP provides 10+ tools that comes handly when playing with your device. This includes Magisk Manager, etc
Material Designed UI
Best in class material design for the latest android addicts.
Suits your Android device
Supports wide range of devices with Treble, ARB Support, Force Encryption and much more.
Based on TWRP 3.7.0
Always up-to-date with the latest TWRP 3.7.0 Sources with support for legacy devices.
[Coming Soon] Themes Support
Customize PBRP according to your needs using PBRP Theme Engine™
Multi-Lingual Support
PBRP provides official support for 10+ languages that are updated and improved regularly!

* Touch Screen every single time
* Decryption works on Android 13 AOSP Roms
* OTG support
* ROM Flashing works 100%
* F2FS + Compression Support
* Fastboot commands supported
* Fastbootd
* ADB Sideload
DevUploads: PBRP-toco-4.0 (ONLY FOR ANDROID 13 AOSP ROMS)
1. Download the PBRP zip to your device
2. Reboot into your existing custom TWRP-based recovery
3. Install the PBRP zip as a normal zip installer
4. The device will automatically reboot into PBRP recovery after installation (allow this to happen)
5. Enjoy!
AndroidHQ254 (Dennis Murimi)
Source Code: https://github.com/PitchBlackRecoveryProject
Prebuilt Kernel: https://github.com/AndroidHQ254/toco_twrp/blob/fox/prebuilt/Image.gz
Version Information
Status: Stable
Current Stable Version: v4.0
Stable Release Date: 2022-03-26
Created 2022-03-26
Last Updated 2022-03-27