* Your warranty is now void.
* We're not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
* thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please
* do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this recovery
* before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if
* you point the finger at us for messing up your device, we will laugh at you.
Supports Treble, MIUI, Custom Roms
* TeamWin - for TWRP
* The OrangeFox Team - for your hard work
* All our testers - for your patience and help
* Built-in support for installing init.d functionality
* Built-in support for installing Magisk
* AromaFM
* Flashlight
* Password, torch, led
* Support for Miui and Custom ROMs
* Superb new UI and themes
* OrangeFox theme engine:
- choice of theme (black, dark, etc)
- choice of color scheme
- choice of a splash screen
- choice of fonts
* Alternative lockscreen
* And many more!
* Decryption works
* OTG support
* ROM Flashing works 100%
* F2FS Support
* Fastboot commands supported
* Fastbootd
* ADB Sideload
* The OrangeFox Team - for your hard work
* All our testers - for your patience and help
* Updated with latest TWRP commits
* Built-in support for installing init.d functionality
* Built-in support for installing Magisk
* AromaFM
* Flashlight
* Password, torch, led
* Support for Miui and Custom ROMs
* Superb new UI and themes
* OrangeFox theme engine:
- choice of theme (black, dark, etc)
- choice of color scheme
- choice of a splash screen
- choice of fonts
* Alternative lockscreen
* And many more!
* Touch Screen every single time
* Decryption works
* OTG support
* ROM Flashing works 100%
* F2FS Support
* Fastboot commands supported
* Fastbootd
* ADB Sideload
* Backing up and restoring Image Flash (system-vendor-product)
SourceForge: OrangeFox-R12.1-toco.zip (BASED ON ANDROID 12 VENDOR)
1. Download the OrangeFox zip to your device
2. Reboot to your existing OrangeFox (or another custom TWRP-based) Recovery
3. Install the OrangeFox zip as a normal zip installer
4. The device will automatically reboot into OrangeFox recovery after installation (allow this to happen)
5. Enjoy!
FAQ and Guides: https://wiki.orangefox.tech/en/guides
AndroidHQ254 (Dennis Murimi)
Source Code: https://gitlab.com/OrangeFox
Prebuilt Kernel: https://github.com/AndroidHQ254/toco_twrp/blob/fox/prebuilt/Image.gz
Source Code: https://gitlab.com/OrangeFox
Prebuilt Kernel: https://github.com/AndroidHQ254/toco_twrp/blob/fox/prebuilt/Image.gz
Version Information
Status: Stable
Current Stable Version: R12.1
Stable Release Date: 2021-01-24
Created 2021-01-24
Last Updated 2022-07-09