* Disclaimer
* We're not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards, thermonuclear war,
* or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please do some research
* if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM
* before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if
* you blame me in any way for what happens to your device, I will laugh at you.
* BOOM! goes the dynamite

*** Ohh Really we need to introduce! . We team "MSM Xtended"
are here with new era of Android. We have tried our best to blend it
with all available options, features and stability of different ROMs in
to one for better user experience.***
Watch Video of Rom on Xiaomi Mi Note 10 Lite
If you like our work you can buy us a cup of coffee

MSM-Xtended Public Group
MSM-Xtended Update Channel
MSM-Xtended Website
MSM-Xtended Blog

ROM DOWNLOAD - Updated 12/09/21
Gapps Download
**It's recommended to flash FULL Gapps only for a better user experience.**
Clean Flash
1) Backup Everything (Most Important)
2) Download ROM, Gapps
3) Reboot to Recovery
4) Flash ROM
5) Reboot to Recovery
6) Flash Gapps
7) Format Data
8) Reboot to System
9) Setup and #GetXtended.
Dirty Flash
1) Backup Everything (Most Important)
2) Download ROM
3) Reboot to Recovery (TWRP or OFox)
4) Wipe Cache & Dalvik Cache
5) Flash ROM
6) Once done, wipe Cache.
8) Reboot to system and #GetXtended.
**If you fail to follow these instructions, please don't bother reporting any bugs**
**If you use Xposed, please don't bother reporting any bugs**
**If you use another kernel, please don't bother reporting any bugs**
MSM-Xtended Sources
Kernel Source
We would like to give thanks to everyone in the Android community, big or small.
That said, we would like to Thank all These Teams for their contribution to the Open Source Community.
* LineageOS/Cyanogenmod
* ColtOS Team & Specially @Rakesh.Batra
* OmniROM
* Nitrogen OS
* crDroid
* DirtyUnicorns
* Screwd AOSP
* CypherOS
* Liquid Remix
* Benzo ROM
* BootLeggers ROM
* AOSP Extended ROM
* Syberia-Project
* PixelDust Project
* Pixel Experience