UBUNTU Themes - New Favorite


UBUNTU Themes - New Favorite

I was browsing for a good theme for Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS and like any sane minded person, my first option would have been the Mac OS look. Well, it’s simple and lovely. For the past few months, this is the theme I was using with Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. However, change is always welcomed.


I never came across this theme when looking for the best options. It is clean and, to me, a better solution compared to everything else in the market. With dark, light, and compact options, there is a solution for everyone.


After downloading Orchis here, you will need to extract all the files.

Secondly, find the .themes folder in the Home directory (use CTRL + H if these directories are hidden). If it's not there, you can add it by creating a .themes folder and place the extracted theme folders inside.

Go to the GNOME Tweak Tool, Appearance, and choose the Orchis theme. If you have downloaded the different theme options, they should all the available in your Tweak tool.

If you don’t have Gnome Tweak Tool, here are the commands on how you will install it:

sudo add-apt-repository universe

sudo apt install gnome-tweak-tool

Enjoy 😎!

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