crDROID v3.8.5 ANDROID 7.1.2 ROM FOR INFINIX HOT 4 PRO - X556 [MT6737M]

Presenting crDroid Android custom Rom for the Infinix HOT 4 Pro. This Rom brings lots of customization and lightness more than the stock Rom. The Rom gives you Android 7.1.2 based on 3.18.19+ kernel. This means that for you to run this Rom, you must be on stock Marshmallow firmware or a custom Rom based on that kernel specified.
The Rom has been tested and everything found working without any issues. This means that the Rom can be used as a daily driver without having to worry about some feature not working. However, in case of any bug or issue, do not hesitate to give your feedback in the comment section.
With crDroid, we have got what you need in regard to:

Pixel look and feel
LineageOS 14.1 - all mods and features
15 New Quick Settings Tiles including Caffeine mode, Expanded Desktop and Sync
Settings/Security: Quick PIN/Password Unlock
Default sounds from latest Nexus image
Stability and performance improvements
And much more


 LineageOS 14.1 - all mods and features
Colour Engine from PA
ThemeEngine: Substratum Rootless
StatusBar: Network Traffic
StatusBar: SU icon toggle
StatusBar: Ticker
StatusBar: Hide/Show icons
StatusBar: BatteryBar customization
StatusBar: Battery styles
StatusBar: Tap to Sleep
StatusBar: Clock styles
Visit HERE for a list of all features

This is an important post with regard to Infinix HOT 4 Pro:


1. Download Rom from the link provided above and copy to your sdcard
2. Boot into recovery e.g. TWRP, Philz, CTR etc
3. Wipe data, cache, dalvik cache and system
4. Install Rom
5. Reboot 
This Rom would not have been realised without these guys 
Irma Nasre
Dennis Murimi
Izaq Kull

Coulibaly Nonta

Ahmed Rahmy

Roman Yukovsky
Syed Ahmed Ali Shah
and many more...

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