The most famous custom recovery for Android, the TeamWin Recovery Project (or simply TWRP), received an update to version 3.1.1. The new release does not bring many new features, but fixes the most annoying flaws of version 3.1.

XDA Senior Recognized Developer Dees_Troy posted a changelog on his Google+ account. It’s not long, but gives us an overview of what has been improved:

- Backups will now include adopted storage keys (Dees_Troy)
- Fixed an adb restore issue (bigbiff)
- Fixed rebooting when no OS is present (Dees_Troy)
- Fixed line wrapping in the GUI terminal (_that)
- Updated TWRP source code to AOSP 7.1.2 (Dees_Troy)

From the changelog, we learn that two major bugs have been fixed, though people waiting for spectacular new features will have to wait for future releases.

The new version of the recovery has released for supported devices but if it’s not available for your device, it should appear within next few days. You can grab the latest version from the official website or by using the official application.

Courtesy of XDA
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